That darn cat!

I think that perhaps Ralphie has some magical powers.

Take the other day for example… it was early morning.

I had not been outside to do my business yet and was still slightly slumbering in my baskie.

I did have one ear awake for the tinkle tinkle of the spoon on my… erm… Alpha’s porridge bowl.

It was a rather chilly day – also rainy outside.

Just nasty really.

I snuggled deeper in my basket – all warm and toasty.

Suddenly I felt a presence looming above me.

Thought to myself…I’ll just ignore it.

Clearly my ignoring powers were not working very well.

It was not going away.

Opened one eye and it was filled with black fur and a few sprinkles of white.

Closed that eye darn quickly again.

But I could feel that black fur lingering… breathing on me.


Go away.

I’m still snoozing.

Don’t be rude.

But the furry presence turned to a vaguely malevolent hissy one.

Mom put her coffee cup down and gave Ralph the evil eye.

Don’t be mean Ralphie, she said.

Leave Fudges alone.

Go sleep with one of the kids if you are tired of occupying our bed.

But no… this was not to be.

He lurked and loomed over me.

Opened both eyes – now fully awake and I was yet to hear the tinkle of spoon on the bowl.

Ralph stared at me some more.

I stared back.

We had a staring contest.

He won because I had to blink.

Cats are quite good starers you know.

Yawned and had a little stretch.

Okay – this is getting barking boring.

You can have my wretched baskie alright!

I stretched some more and slowly exited from my warm, furry, cozy, snuggly bed.

MY bed – take note.

Ralph wasted no time – he nimbly leapt into my baskie and started kneading my blanket, purring like a diesel tractor.

Mom looked at me.

Seriously? Fudgie!

You allowed that dastardly cat to evil-eye your own furry self out of your basket?

Looked back at mom.

What’s with all this staring stuff so early in the morning?



When she puts it like that it does seem a bit stupid. Doesn’t it?

Stuck my cold nose into Ralph’s tum.

He just curled up tighter – I swear he was smirking.

Mom hefted me onto the bed and I went back to sleep.

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