How far does our money stretch?

Woman of Great destiny writes:

With the recent 39c and 61c increases in both petrol and diesel respectively, I couldn’t help but reflect on how the cost of living has escalated in recent years.

What could be stretched with R20 can barely be done in this day and age.

Then one thinks of the amount we pay in taxes, coupled by the poor service delivery we receive and I can’t help but get upset.

I recently observed a water leak which ran down 11th Avenue in Springs, and I just calculated in my mind how much water is being wasted.

It worked out to about 900 000 cubic metres!

In a country where we are facing droughts in some areas, we simply cannot afford to be wasting such amounts of water.

The leak has been going on for almost three weeks and nothing has been done by the Metro to rectify it.

We are constantly feeling the economic impact of the inflation rate increasing, which affects everything else, but we cannot even get our council to address key issues at grass-root levels.

I am sure that I am not the only person who shares these sentiments.

People are tired.

We are tired of bending backwards because we wake up every day to work for our money, and to try meet the ever-increasing cost of living, only for our government to continuously fail us.

Why should some people have to work for their money while government workers (in service delivery) earn salaries whether or not they deliver its mandate to the people?

It is clear that our government does not have the interests of our people at heart, but looks out for its own self interest.

If the government cared, they would makes sure that the fundamental problems are addressed, to compensate for the economic constraints we are all facing.

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