Grateful to nature-loving Metro

On June 7, I received a call that a rinkhals snake (a member of the Cobra family) had been found on the side of the main road into Dersley.

Bert Scerivan (69) from Dersley writes:

On June 7, I received a call that a rinkhals snake (a member of the Cobra family) had been found on the side of the main road into Dersley.

The Community Policing Forum requested that I deal with the situation.

Everyone in my community knows me as an avid lover of nature which is why I was called to come capture the snake.

Upon my arrival at the scene, there were two metro police officials who were parked near the side of the road and diverting traffic.

They did this in an attempt to keep the snake safe by ensuring that none of the vehicles injured or killed it.

I managed to capture the snake and release it back into the veld, leaving it safe and in one piece.

I am so grateful to the metro police, who did everything they could to ensure that no harm came to the snake and that I was able to do what was necessary to keep it in one piece.

People these days are so cruel in their treatment towards animals and usually kill the ones they misunderstand, such as snakes, so to see the metro officials go the extra mile really warmed my heart.

I am writing this letter to show appreciation and to thank the Ekurhuleni metro, particularly Bentley Mbatsane and Lesley Mbatsane.

Thank you to these two officials for their help in preserving the life of this innocent snake.

You have restored the hope I had in our law officials.

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