The price tag on crime

Woman of great destiny writes:

Recently, my uncle’s car was stolen out of the driveway of a Dal Fouché residence.

His van’s ignition was apparently started with a screwdriver, and has not been found to date.

Imagine the confusion, inconvenience and financial implications thereof.

That is where we are in our country: at a point where one’s hard work and sacrifice can be taken in an instant.

These are the shattering events of crime.

Crime is a disease that eats away at us financially, mentally and emotionally.

We are no longer able to fully enjoy the fruits of our labour, for fear of having them taken away from us.

The real question we should pose is, in order for us to live in harmony, what are the root causes of crime and how can they be addressed?

Criminals certainly do not steal solely to have material things, any more than they do to get monetary value from those material things.

So, as a community, with the aid of government, we need to ask ourselves how we can eradicate crime.

We need to deal with unemployment, the high cost of living and poor or no education for the underprivileged.

These are some of the causes of this disease called crime, and we need to collectively stand up as a community – and work with government – to prevent the disease.

If we fail to stand up and make a change in our community, we will always be swallowing the bitter pill of those who are directly affected by the system that creates criminals and will never fully enjoy the fruits of our hard work.

It takes a community; it takes me and you!

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