
Let’s speak life

I am a 25-year-old woman from Selcourt.

Recently, I have observed that there have been a lot of complaints about service delivery, and general unhappiness in people’s lives, which has brought the following question to my attention.

“Have we become so pessimistic that we fail to tell the good stories about our lives and our town?”

Every time I speak to people or open the papers, is just complaint, after complaint, after complaint, but never solutions as to how problems can be fixed or overcome.

I am not saying that we need to be blind to the issues and challenges facing our community and lives, but what happened to focusing on the positive side of everything?

I really do not see how we can grow as people and improve our community if we fail to recognise the good milestones we have made, and how we can grow further.

I think it is time that we stop with the victim mentality and start taking accountability and responsibility for our lives and the improvements we want to see.

In the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi, we need to “be the change we wish to see in the world”.

I hope this letter can appeal to every reader and change the pessimistic mindset of many.

Woman of great destiny

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