Fudge in charge

Eish – I knew that something dodgy was happening when mom took down the wheelie boxes.

Both of them.

She thought she was being ultra-sneaky and that I hadn’t noticed – but I had.

Instead of putting one on Alpha’s side of the bed – she gave it to my Em.


What’s this?

What are you doing?

Don’t worry Fudges, mom said, I’m only going away for a couple of days.

Not like last time.

We’re going to Richard’s Bay to the Zulfest.


What’s a Zulfest?

Can I eat it?

Silly billy, she scoffed.

The Zulfest is about sciency stuff – not food.

We’re going to do some hula hoop workshops and test out Sibo’s new maths game.


Go if you must but my Em stays here with me.

Don’t leave me all alone with the boys.

What happens if I have another hissy fit – who’s going to hold my paw.

Mom looked at me sternly and said – you’ve just had a hissy fit Fudges – you are not due to have another one soon and stop being such a wuzzie.

You are in charge of the boys.

Make sure that they all behave and let you lick their plates at least – even if they don’t share supper tidbits with you.

She kissed my nose and off they went – at the crack of dawn nogal.

I stared at Charl – you heard what she said… right?

Miss Fudgie-wena is in charge.

Alpha’s job was to give me breakfast and take me for a walk before he went off to work.

Charl was in charge of looking after me during the day and feeding me dinner.

Luan was to talk to me and give me the odd ear scratch or two.

It was only a few days but I tell you – it’s barking boring being the only girl in the house.

Depressing too.

Spent most of my days on the couch snoozing.

At night time, without Mom to chivvy Alpha off to bed he sat in his chair and watched TV way past both our bed times.

I stayed with him for the first night – but thereafter I took myself off up the stairs, climbed into my nice cozy baskie and went to sleep without him.

Mom and Em are home now.

They brought me back a tasty treat.

Droewors. Yum.

I did not share it with the boys either.

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