Meaty stuff

Remember we had some sort of meaty sauce for supper?

Well there was a bit left over.

Usually Luan or Emma claim it for a snack the next day and I don’t have a look-in but it must have been stashed at the back of the fridge because it was still there two days later.

Mom kindly decided to recycle it to my own furry self for breakfast – instead of my usual scrambled egg.

(You do know that eggs are really good for us furry creatures right? We can even have them raw. Of course, I think raw is disgusting and much prefer them scrambled.)

First she warmed it up a bit in the microwave.

Too much, in fact, because then she had to blow on it to cool it down enough to put into my bowl.

This meant that I had to sit patiently slobbering on the kitchen floor whilst Alpha was trying to make breakfast for the humans.

Next she mixed some pellets into the sauce.

She blew on it some more.

Alpha gave one of his derisive snorts and made some sort of iffy comment about “that dog being spoilt”.

Clearly he was not talking about me because (a) we all know I am definitely not a dog – I am a Fudge and (b) spoilt is not a word that I would ever recognise and neither would mom.

I mean – how can you possibly spoil a furry child?

Mom put my bowl down saying… there you go my woofie.

I sniffed it.

I sniffed it again. Hmmmm…. something’s missing.

Not pasta, but something else.

Backed off…

What’s wrong Fudges, said mom. Is it still too hot?

Rolled my eyes and glanced at the fridge.

Noooo… it’s not too hot – it’s missing something.

We stared at each other for a few seconds.

Mom was a tad perplexed.

Usually I fall upon my breakfast like I have not been fed for weeks.

Suddenly a dim light flickered on…

Oh sorry Fudges – she smiled. I forgot the cheese.

She sprinkled a few worms of grated cheddar artistically on top.

Sniffed it once more.Ahhhhh – that’s more like it.

Stuck my whole face into the bowl and snarfed the lot down.


Spoilt… my furry backside!

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