Keep your child safe

I do not and probably never will understand people. It frustrates me to such a point where I want to follow that person and just give them a good lashing.

How on earth do you drive like a maniac in the rain and then let your child (baby/toddler) stand next to you on the seat or on the back seat, not fastened with the safety belt or seated in a proper manner?

Do you not love and care for that beautiful little person?

I am so sick of adults who do not use their brains. I drove behind a guy in a silver Opel Corsa, where the most beautiful little boy was standing on the back seat.

It was raining and the driver was driving so fast that I lost him in a matter of minutes.

This is not acceptable behaviour from any parent and I worry about that child.

I worry about all the children that have brain-dead parents.

Take care of your children and if you still think, “Whatever, my car my rules”, do yourself a favour and go google what can happen to your children when they are not buckled in and safe in your car. Maybe that will open your eyes.

Janet Keiser


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