Hairy Fudges

Lately I have been shedding more of those magical fibers of joy than I usually do.

Not sure if it’s because I’ve had a couple of hissy fits or if it’s because it has been on the hot side recently.

As in stinky hot.

As in lie with my tummy on the tiles and gasp hot.

Now that mom has moved her office back upstairs, it is even hotter.

Sometimes she sees me lying panting on the floor and says… Ag shame Fudges.

And you have to wear that thick fur coat in this nasty hot weather. Poor you.

Poor me indeedy.

Double poor me!

I have to hear this every time I lie on the floor panting. Mind you – at least she’s stopped checking on the colour of my gums now.

Mom gets a glint in her eye and mutters… I know what will help.

I start slinking off in any direction that is far away from her.

I’ve told you before about that wretched cloth that she whooshes around my chops and tum in an effort to cool me down.

Enough already – I’m not a frigging messy toddler!

I’m just hot.

I did feel a bit vindicated the other day though.

Was lying on the bed supervising her working ethics and Ralph was sitting on her desk double checking them.

He’s a bit of a pain because he likes to paw her stuff off the edge, or sit on her keyboard.

Or steal her chair the minute she gets up to do anything else.

But this time Ralphie outdid himself.

He sneezed.

A bit fat smoochy man-cat sneeze all over her laptop screen.

Even I could see all the little spitty snotty droplets clinging and covering up the work she was doing.

Or maybe it was Facebook – she often tries to pass that off as work too.

Mom gasped.

Then dashed off to the bathroom and brought back the cloth.

She wiped her screen. She wiped her screen some more.

Then she yelped – Jeez Fudges – my computer is now more hairy than your face!

Seems like she had neglected to remove all my magical fibers of joy off the cloth and they had indeed transferred themselves to her screen.

It looked like a hairy little square devil.

Ralph leapt onto the bed and, for once, we had a joint smirk.

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