Odd Old Ralph

I have come to the conclusion that Ralphie is a tad odd.

He picks a spot to sleep in – then stays there for a couple of weeks.

Obviously not all the time – duh!

He goes outside to do his business and fraternise with the other moggies in the neighbourhood – but he snoozes in the same place.

Until he finds another place.

When everybody moved back into the house, he abandoned napping on mom and Alpha’s bed and moved in with Em and Charl for a while.

Mom was quite glad because he weighs 7kgs and it’s a lot like having another person on the bed.

If she tries to rearrange him – he gets all narky and claws her toes.

If there is a duvet involved – it’s not so bad.

If it’s hot and there is only a sheet in between them mom tends to talk to Ralph in capital letters.

Problem with Em’s room is that sometimes it is quite hard to find your own self – let alone space to sleep in, so when my boy Luan arrived he high-tailed it across the passage.

He then slumbered all stretched out on Luan’s bed until he got tired of that space too.

His current spot is on the lounge carpet.

He lies on his tummy, where a nice breeze can whistle in under the couch and ruffle his fur.

For once he’s on the same level as my own furry self.

I am now able to politely greet him each morning.

First I sniff his ear and then I stick my cold nose into his warm furry tum.

He tries to pretend that he’s not awake and ignores me.

I feel this is very rude so I give him a bit more of the cold nose.

He twitches his whiskers in annoyance and curls up tighter.

Or sometimes even tries using his claws on my nose.

Wretched creature.

I look at mom… can I chew him a bit?

No Fudges, she says wagging her finger.

And it’s not very nice of you to slobber on the cat when he’s sleeping.

Ralph smirks.

He likes it when mom sticks up for him.

But then the next moment mom swoops down and snatches him up from the carpet.

She chucks him over her shoulder and snuggles him.

He looks all ruffled and a tad miffed.

It’s my turn to smirk.

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