
Choose a career? Not so easy

At 18 years old, I was asked to choose a career I would enjoy and one I can live with for the rest of my life.

Talk about making a life altering decision.

Most teenagers are forced to choose a career.

Yes, there are aptitude tests and psychologists to help with guiding you to the correct career path but how accurate are these tests?

I believe choosing a career at 18, is asking a bit much.

Most 18-year-olds don’t really know how to cope with their final year of school let alone make a decision that is going to determine how they go about their lives.

People say you should follow your “passion” and “do what you love.”

What if I don’t really have a passion or what if I love too many things?

I may like a few things, but I do not have sleepless nights about how much I love playing the guitar or how much I enjoy writing.

If you have chosen a profession, how sure are you that you will truly be happy with it?

How sure are you that being a financial manager, news reporter or art teacher will keep you happy?

Especially since you have not experienced any of these professions.

Teenagers do not know who they are as people yet, they may know what they like and dislike but not to the extent of choosing a career.

There are a few teenagers out there who genuinely know what they want to do with their lives and are happy doing it.

This is, however, not the case for everyone.

Choosing a career is vital for your future but I think choosing the right career is only going to be possible through some experimentation.

Unless, one night you have a vivid dream about what you need to do with your life, experiencing different jobs will help you understand what you like and dislike.

Thinking about what career to choose can be stressful.

I believe taking time out, learning about yourself and what you are happy doing is a good way of finding a career.

This may not work for everyone.

It may feel as if you are wasting your time but at least you won’t be stuck doing something you hate.

Choosing a career should not be taken lightly especially if you are applying to a university and are just deciding to do something because the closing date for applications is in a day.

Take the time to choose, it is your future after all.

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