
Poor Me!

I nearly gave Alpha a heart attack the other night.

In fact, I gave my own furry butt quite a fright too.

We’d gone to bed as usual. Alpha and I.

Mom was still in Cape Town because Granma was sick and the rest of the house was quiet.

I flopped down under the window on Alpha’s side of the bed – always snooze there when it’s hot.

A breeze trickles in and it’s nice and cool on the tiles.

Next thing I knew Alpha was looking at me strangely.

I felt odd and my teeth seemed to be a bit stuck together.

Alpha looked strange too.

His face was all creased up and he looked a little blurry around the edges.

He hopped out of the room – trying to run and put his shorts on at the same time.

Chunky chop bones! What now?

Took some time to stagger to my feet and totter towards the stairs.

Got a big fright at the bottom – there was a person standing in the open door way.

I growled and showed my fearsome fangs.

Luan exclaimed, Fudges! Are you growling at me?

Ooops – my bad.

They put me in the car and drove off.

Whilst I like going in the car I must admit it all felt a bit peculiar.

Instead of going for a midnight walk or shopping – as I fondly imagined – we arrived at Dr Dean’s place.

He was not there at that particular time and so another dressing gown dude checked me out.

Oi! Enough with all the poking and prodding – what’s your problem?

Mom is going to have a lot to say about this shabby behaviour.

Then Alpha and Luan abandoned me.

They just drove off and left me there in the high care ward.

I did get to see Dr Dean the next day.

Turns out I had a fat epileptic fit.

I frothed and shook and howled so loudly that Alphas’ heart nearly attacked him.

They did all sorts of tests but nothing serious showed up.

Apparently I would have to have another doolally turn before they will consider putting me on preventative medication.

I was pronounced fit to go home by the afternoon.

Alpha and Luan came to fetch me.

Wagged my tail – ghah! What took you so long?

Mom is also home now.

All is well with my world.

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