
Love of power and the power of love

The 21st century can be described as a cut-throat, demanding, inglorious and aggressive era in time.

It has seemed to make people stiff, less emotionally invested and wanting to be extremely powerful.

We see this need for power and control in the hunting of animals.

The idea of killing an animal for sport, does not seem fair, especially when a sport entails that both sides have equal chances of winning.

In this case, it is a life or death situation, which should not be taken lightly.

We have not seen a warthog or impala standing with a rifle waiting to take a clear shot at a human being.

The business world is full of these people hungry for more power, with the need to control as many people as possible and to get away with things they normally would not because of their status or wealth.

Extremists and terrorists cause havoc, pain and death because a certain leader wants to be in power.

This need for ultimate power and superiority has started to destroy the world.

There is a need for a hierarchical system but that does not mean a tyranny.

We get the idea that society believes that if power is gained then good things will follow.

It is not realised that with this power comes a great amount of responsibility.

One person can only take on so much responsibility.

Why as humans do we need this power?

Why does one person need to have all the control?

A simple saying is taught during childhood, “sharing is caring”.

We should share this power, instead of creating wars, conflicts and death because someone wants to be in control of another person.

If one does have power, why not use it for the greater good?

Instead of using that power to gain more power, empower others.

There does not need to be this hunger for power.

The world may be a much easier place to live in if we work efficiently, produce what needs to be produced and take control of what is yours to control.

A 100 years ago, most societies were patriarchal.

Men had the power and superiority.

Societies believed it was incorrect and demeaning to follow men.

Why does it make it correct for citizens to follow people now because they are inclined to power?

Jimi Hendrix said:”When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

The love of power has caused unhappiness, depression and destruction.

Whereas the power of love can cause, laughter, hope and humility.

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