
Can we pinpoint the cheating habits of some to social media

The daily trek to work can sometimes be quite boring and so I have learned to entertain myself with loud music and visions of being in music videos to pass time.

One particular morning this week a local radio station caught my attention with a very interesting topic of discussion, ‘Is sending naked pictures of yourself to someone who is not your spouse considered cheating?’

Is that even a question?

Is this debatable?

Should intense discussions be had on this topic?

If people are sending pictures of themselves to people who are not their other half then I am sure the intention to cheat is there.

I listened intently to the phone calls that streamed in and I was quite shocked to hear that many people believed social media was to blame for the demise of a loving relationship.

It was sad to hear some people regretting their social media escapades and the divorce that followed.

Is it possible that the likes of Facebook, Blackberry messenger or WhatsApp is more powerful than sheer willpower?

Being a newly wed I may not have any place to voice opinions on any topics I have no real experience in, so I have to ask, is social media to blame?

Is it because your spouse managed to track down an old flame from high school and found that the flame was not yet extinguished?

Is it because there are so many sites available to find the ‘one’ even though your ‘one’ is sleeping next to you as you type those messages meant for your partner in marriage?

I do believe that all these available chat methods may make cheating easier but the real question is can we blame it entirely on social media?

Before all the Mark Zuckerberg’s of the world, was it not ‘Friday night boy’s nights’ that seemed to lead to inappropriate behaviour?

Or ‘Tuesday is book club’ evenings?

In the old days, and my granny loves saying this, but now I agree, in the old days, if something was broken, you didn’t replace it, you tried to fix it.

Makes sense.

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