
Hot diggedy dog!

Chunky chop-bones but it’s been hot lately.

So hot that I wished I could take off my lovely fur coat and run around with a bare bod.

All that stinky heat makes me tired.

So I just flop down… ker-plunks… on the tiles and lie around all day. Panting.

Then that wretched mom thinks I’m sick and comes groveling around in my chops to check the colour of my gums.

She’s a bit neurotic ever since I was sick last year.

Ooooh nice and pink Fudges – is what she usually says.

I swish my slobbery tongue around my fangs and rearrange my chops into their proper position again.

I give her a hairy eyeball.

Seriously! Just because I’m lolling on the tiles does not mean I’m sick. Ridiculous woman! I’m hot!

You try wearing my magnificent fur coat 24/7 in this weather.

Sometimes I’ll go roll around on the grass in the measly bit of shade under the wall.

Once I discovered a chunk of bread that had fallen out of the bird’s bowl.

I stashed it behind a pot on the stoep… just in case I was ravenous at some stage.

At least the grass is not so crunchy anymore since Alpha started giving it the odd spot of water or two.

He’s naughty – he throws the ball right into the sprinkler.

I dash after it without even thinking and then the water makes my tum all wet and soggy.

Mom says I smell like wet chicken.

Sometimes Mom takes a wet cloth and rubs it all over my belly and my face.

To begin with I thought she was stark raving mad – but then realized it was not actually too shabby and I did feel nice and cool afterwards.

I find my ball and charge around the place – which is a tad silly because then I end up all hot and bothered again.

Hope you all remember to keep the water in your dog’s bowls nice and full in this horrible heat.

Here’s a cool tip – freeze an old coke bottle full of water and then stand it in your doglet’s water bowl when you go to work – it keeps the water nice and cool for most of the day.

Then you can give it a rinse and freeze it again for the next day.

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