More comings and goings

Sjoe! I think my humans have gone a little crazy lately.

The alarm went off, shattering my beauty sleep and once again they dashed off without taking me for my usual Saturday walk.

What is this nonsense?

The spare room door was firmly shut this time so Ralph and I could not go and investigate.

However, there had been much activity in that room.

Mom had relocated the baskie, that one the little people had slept in, to our ex-office.

Remember… we moved the office downstairs when I was sick.

We’ve never moved back up because next year my boy Luan is coming to stay with us and they are going to need the office as a spare room for all these visitors we seem to be having.

They came back later with a person I had never smelled before.

His name was Ken and he was very nice.

He even played ball with me.

I overheard that Ken has kids – the same age as the little people.

Checked around in his suitcase too but did not find them.

It would appear that he had left them behind in Kenya.

Hrooof! That’s just careless I’d say.

After Ken left, mom ransacked the room again.

My eyes rolled back in my head.

Chunky chop bones! What now?

Mom looked a tad guilty and said nothing.

Sure enough, a few days later, out came the wheelie boxes.

Eyed her out… where are we going now?

Erm, said Mom – you are not going anywhere Fudges.

You and Ralph are going to stay home.

Stay home. Alone?

I don’t think so!

You won’t be alone.

Duwyne will be looking after you.

I snorted. Duwyne?

Do I know this person?

Nope, replied mom. But you will. Soon.

Ghah! Was all too much for me.

I retired under the table for a snooze.

Later on there was a commotion at the door.

Yet another person I had never smelled before came in.

I checked his bag for little people too. Nothing.

After giving him a thorough sniffing I decided he was not too shabby.

Plus he also played ball with me.

Mom and Alpha went off to Cape Town to celebrate Grandma’s 82nd birthday – without me.

How rude.

I made sure I shed plenty of hairs in her suitcase so that she did not miss me too much.

Duwyne did a good job of looking after us.

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