Truly captivating

Map making has become a fine art in a mixture of both science and magic.

Book: The Glass Sentence

Author: S. E. Grove

Reviewed by: Izahn van Huyssteen

Review made possible by: Penguin Random House Company

For fantasy lovers, such as myself, this book will be impossible to put down once you get into it.

Since starting the book, I failed in many of my ‘wifely’ duties at home, cleaning and cooking became unnecessary and non-essential.

This book is difficult to understand at first but once the concept is grasped, it takes you on a journey to a whole new world.

At times it gets a bit tedious but as soon as you start considering putting the book down, another interesting thing happens and there goes another few hours.

The plot is set in the year 1891 when the world was plunged into the ‘Great Disruption’, throwing continents into different time periods that stretch from prehistoric times to the far future.

Map making has become a fine art in a mixture of both science and magic.

Sophia Tims comes from a family of explorers and cartologers who create new maps.

Her parents left her with her uncle Shadrack, the most famous cartologer in Boston, when they had to leave on an urgent mission eight years ago and have not returned since.

She was raised by Shadrack, who taught her everything he knows about cartology.

Shadrack is kidnapped and Sophia must search for him with her new-found knowledge and a peculiar stranger, Theo.

Little does she know that they are in as much danger as her uncle.

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