
Manners maketh the man

Ralphie wants the same treatment as Fudge.

Hroof. I was not impressed. I was lying on the tiles in the middle of the doorway, minding my own business, more than half asleep, when my boy Luan came thumping down the stairs.

“Skyf!” he said to me.

I looked up at him and batted my eyelashes. Is that any way to talk to your doglet?

At around about the same time I was delighted to hear an outraged holler from Mom too.

Oi! She said.

That’s not how you talk to our Fudges.

Be polite.

Ask her nicely to move.

Pffft… replied Luan.

Fudge is a dog.

No! Mom retorted. Fudge is a furry family member and deserves the same amount of respect as anybody else who lives here.

I smirked into my paws.

Go Mom!

You tell him.

A bit later Ralphie got the same treatment.

He got swatted out of the way where he was snoozing on the table.

He stalked up to mom and bashed his head against her chin.

Bristling with indignation.

Mom soothed his ruffled fur and had more words with our boy.

Seriously, he’s gotten into some very bad habits on the farm.

We are going to have to bash them out of him next year.

He seems to think that we furry creatures are just animals.

What rot.

Unlike our little neighbour, Dwala.

She’s just turned three and is a real cutie.

One of those fine, dainty little people who’s usually very quiet and all sweetness.

Until she starts screaming that is.

Then she’s loud, noisy and downright scary.

She and I play eye spy through the interleading gate between our gardens.

Sometimes she misjudges and opens the gate.

I stroll into their garden – which gives her the screaming willies because in relation to size – I’m like a horse to her.

Anyway – the whole point of the Dwala story is… she refers to mom and Alpa and Mrs Fudge and Mr Fudge.

I am the revolving person in this house.

Just how it should be!

Now I just have to get her to stop being such a scaredy cat and shrieking like crazy if I ever get too near to her.

Maybe I should stop smiling at her – could be my fearsome fangs are a tad off putting.

By the way, Dr Dean says I am nearly a whole hound.

I’m down to two cortisone pills every second day now.

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