Infuriating drivers

There's a reason why traffic rules should be obeyed.

I’m not particularly disciplined in this regard either, but I try.

I’ve been at a few accident scenes in the past couple of months, and every time it hits me how fragile life is and how quickly something can happen.

Accidents literally happen in the blink of an eye and the main cause is usually people who do not obey the rules of the road.

You get these “windgat laaities”, who think their car is the bomb because they drilled a hole in the exhaust which causes an unnecessary and annoyingly loud sound to emit from the vehicle.

It sounds like they’re going 180km per hour, but really they’re just trying to pull away and reach 60km by fifth gear.

When they eventually reach a high speed, where they now feel they are invincible, they move through traffic recklessly and make idiotic decisions which can get others injured.

Heaven help you if you dare drive at the speed limit and you are in front of them. They drive two centimetres away from your car’s back end and throw rather rude signs out the window.

Well, this is where my fuse is lit and I get extremely spiteful by refusing to move out of their way and stick to the set speed limit. If they really get on my nerves, I’ll go even slower.When they eventually pass, they swear and show even more sign language. That’s when I just smile and wave. I don’t speak sign language.

I know this is wrong and that I should get out of their way, but alas, everyone has their weak points.

I don’t think these guys realise what the consequences of their reckless driving can be, Last week I was at another accident scene where a vehicle overturned.

Luckily there were no fatalities, but again, the consequences could have been so much worse because people are sometimes careless when it comes to following the rules of the road and being vigilant.

Then you get the taxi’s.

What a pain in the rear end.

Some of them never have any regard for the rules and they’ll just swerve in front of you, put those darned hazards on and just randomly stop dead in the middle of the road.

And you need to apply brakes like it’s nobody’s business.

I think they get hooted at and sworn at so much, that insults bounce off them like water on a duck’s back.

People need to realise that it’s not only their life in their hands when they get behind the wheel of a car, but many other lives as well.

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