The importance of insanity

Staying sane in an insane world...

What a mission, right?

With all this insanity going on around us, it can sometimes become quite a challenge to keep your mind ticking the right way.

I don’t always get it right, but to be honest, I don’t always want to.

I found that being a little bonkers sometimes helps with the mood, a lot.

Strangely enough, it comes in different stages.

In the first stage, I’ll sit quietly alone somewhere while doing nothing and just randomly start talking and what’s worse, I’ll also answer myself.

They say it’s okay to talk to yourself but when you start answering yourself, you’ve really lost it.

But I actually think it’s some of the most interesting conversations I engage in now and again, I find out the strangest things.

And then I’ll realise what I’m doing and how idiotic I must look to other people (well, those who don’t know me) and I’ll just start laughing. Mood lifted.

Other times (the moderate stage) it gets a little more infuriating, as I’ll start arguing with myself and just make myself grumpy as my other self was right and proved me wrong.

I don’t like being wrong. Mood downer.

So then comes stage three… the severe stage… which is shouting at, cursing and accusing inanimate objects, like my cellphone. Or the washing machine.

Sanity can sometimes be overrated, but not to be completely forgotten.

I think it can sometimes be quite healthy to have that few seconds of insanity and just forget about what real troubles there can be out there.

But it is not to be confused with turning completely mental and completely lose your wits and turn into some weird creature.

Being sane is obviously a very important part of humanity so I’m not saying go insane and run naked down the street causing havoc. No.

I’m talking about little droplets of insanity every now and again.

Every day is a little bit of a stretch too.

Always remember, too much of a good thing isn’t good… or something like that.

It is important to always remain objective and responsible, when in public.

When you’re on your own and safely locked inside your house… who will ever know?

Go wild and free, but not too loudly either.

The rest of the world may not be able to see you but they can certainly still hear you.

And the imaginations of some people these days are surprisingly imaginative.

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