
Stand up Springs and fight the drug problem

Stop the fear of the powerful criminals ruling our town.

Drug mules recruited in Springs?

Writing last week’s story on people being recruited as drug mules gave me the chills, thinking that there are so many drugs in Springs that they can be exported.

To have people recruiting drugged abuser is a sign that there are some powerful people in our town.

This drug problem is getting worse and at the expense of our Springs residents and their children.

I am still concerned that neighbours, family and friends are turning a blind eye towards this social problem and in the long run strengthens the helplessness of its victims.

A whole generation is growing up with drug abuse, and all the social ills associated with it, as their norm.

And the more I am scratching for stories, the more the Springs drug-puzzle is coming together.

I think the drug abuse problem in Springs is far bigger that we think (or want to know).

This drug time bomb is about to explode and what’s crawling out of the cracks is scary.

Drug trafficking and abuse in Springs (according to me) had to start about 10 years back, because there are a lot of men and women in their late twenties and thirties who are hooked on drugs.

It is their children and sometimes grandchildren who are not getting a proper childhood, schooling or care.

I heard about a mother who trampled her children’s food to spite her husband for not bringing her a fix – this is what our children are exposed to.

Someone who is hooked will do everything to get that next fix.

And the lucrative offer of the exorbitant amount you are getting, by only taking “stuff” to some overseas destination, is a huge temptation.

The sad part is that this drug mule will, once again, use that money to buy his or her drug of preference – and so the cycle continues.

Everyone in our town is now screaming that the police have to do something, but I think the police are doing their part with the limited resources they have.

I came to this conclusion because I saw how many new cases, that involve drugs, a court in Springs had to postpone on one day.

The impression I got is that the drug case dockets were at least three quarters of what was on the court roll that day.

And there are always this many dockete, a state prosecutor said to me.

In addition to all the efforts of our law enforcers, I wonder what we, the citizens of Springs, do about this drug problem?

No-one and no-one’s family is immune to drug abuse and we cannot turn a blind eye to the many people stuck in this problem.

I think we can strengthen the police’s hands by giving them information or offering voluntary help to children in need or funding the organisations that are actively doing something about the problem.

We have to do something now!

Stop the fear of the powerful criminals ruling our town.

This fear means that we don’t talk about drug abuse or drug deals.

Stop the shame and guilt of having a family member or yourself hooked on drugs.

Springs, stand up and fight against this scourge of drugs and don’t allow it to destroy us?

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