
Happy holidays part two

So we left the farm bright and early.

Looked at mom… where to now?

We’re off to Cape Town Fudges, she replied.

We’re going to see Granma, and that Em. And your puppy!

Although I think your puppy is going to give you a run for your money this time.

She’s a lot bigger than she was last year.

I settled down for a nap.

Was rudely awoken some time later for a leg stretch and some weemail.

Are we nearly there?

Mom laughed uproariously. No ways Fudgie – we’ve only just begun.

It’s a 12 hour drive so you just park off on your nice big back seat and relax.

We drove. And we drove. And we drove some more.

Up hills and down dales plus lots of flat boring countryside.

They decided to take the scenic route and avoid all the traffic.

Scenic my wiggly whiskers! Nauseating is more like it.

Especially all those winding bits up and down the passes.

Eventually we got there. I tell you – I was fed-up and finished by that time.

And I’m not talking about being fed up with biltong either.

Granma no longer lives in Gordon’s Bay.

She and Grey Cat moved into a complex in the Strand.

Dogs are not allowed.

Granma had to get special permission for me to stay – but we were not allowed to tell anybody.

A lot of sneaking was involved and barking was strictly forbidden.

They compensated for this shabby treatment by taking me to the beach some mornings for quality ball time.

Was rather windy though. Still trying to figure out what I think about having a snout full of sand.

Grey Cat, though nearly as old and wrinkly as Granma, is still a cheeky weasel.

On several occasions she brazenly strolled up to my bowl and tried to gobble my food.

Nothing sneaky about her.

On Christmas Day we all went to have lunch with some odd looking worshondjie-type doglets – Lucky, Milo and Meatball. Milo seemed to think that she owned the house and kept yapping at me. Fortunately that’s all she could do.

She’s an elderly pooch and half her fangs are missing.

Seeing as it was Christmas – I thought it would be okay for me to play with a nice big pink ball that I found rolling around.

Ooops! It’s a flat ball now. Sorry Leila.

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