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Shabby treatment of a little doglet

Must say – am fed up of all this coming and going. First Alpha was off for ages. I heard he was staying with Granma in the Strand doing some phizzy-sissy professor pants stuff. Then he came home. The next Monday Mom had the cheek to disappear for lots of days. Ralphie and I had …

Must say – am fed up of all this coming and going.

First Alpha was off for ages. I heard he was staying with Granma in the Strand doing some phizzy-sissy professor pants stuff. Then he came home.

The next Monday Mom had the cheek to disappear for lots of days. Ralphie and I had to rely on that Em to feed us and look after all our playing needs. Alpha just went about his daily business like nothing was wrong. I, on the other paw, had to do without my daily slurping clean of his breaky bowl.

He and Em had a little argument over who would be scooping my poops. Alpha lost.

Mom did have a couple of chats to me over the phone, but really, it’s not the same.

I was overjoyed to see Mom again on the Friday… but she came home smelling of another dog.

Checked her out skeef. Oi! Thought you’d gone to the conference?

Did not know there are dogs at conferences – why was I not invited too?

She snuggled me and said that it was not a conference dog – she had popped in to visit her friend in Port Elizabeth on the way home and it was Mad’s little cutie dog Becky that I could smell.

Hrooff. Not sure what type of little cutie mutt it was that had covered her entirely with other dog smell. Some foreign type apparently – a Maltese pooch – small and bouncy – and had obviously bounced all over my mom.

Mom had only been home for a couple of days when they all went off and came home without Alpha.

Looked at her. Really? It’s very careless of you to lose Alpha again so soon.

Can’t be helped Fudges, said Mom. He had to pop over to France to sign off some of his professor pants equipment. He’ll be home soon.

Well! He was home soon, but my woggledy whiskers if he didn’t leave again soon after. At the crack of dawn too. Em and I cuddled in bed instead of going to the airport with Mom.

He was back again a few days later. Looked at him carefully…

And how long are you staying for this time?

He assured me that he’s going to be home for a while.

But guess what… sniff… snort… today my Em left – with all her suitcases.

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