
Welcoming rain

Hearing the thunder and seeing the lighting truly makes me smile, even on the worst of days.

I’ve always loved the rain and was scolded for running in the rain when I was small.

It’s just a beautiful thing.

Everything gets new life after it has rained, the grass grows and the flowers bloom and there is just this fresh smell in the air.

Then I walk past people who are always complaining when it rains.

And it made me think, when it’s hot, people complain and say they wish it was colder.

When winter comes and everything is frosty, they say they hate the cold and wish summer would hurry up.

When it’s dry and dusty they want the rain to make the earth a little wet again and take the dust away.

And then, when it’s pouring rain and the thunder is booming and lighting strikes, people will still complain.

Which makes me come to the conclusion that the human race is never satisfied with nature and what it gives to humanity.

Too hot or too cold, they will always complain when THEY are not happy.

Because they want what they want and they’ll have it no other way.

Stop and smell the roses people.

Appreciate what nature gives and even more the beauty that it gives.

Appreciate what every element brings and how every element plays a vital role in society and nature.

Rain Dancer.

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