Scaredy Cat!

Hroof hroof – our cat is scared of thunder.

What a wuz!

Oh… wait… I’m also scared of that thunderdog too.

But at least I behave like a dignified little doglet.

Sort of.

A bit of drooling and slobbering is allowed when it’s really loud. Isn’t it?

But that Ralphie goes quite crazy.

First time we noticed it was in the middle of the night.

There was a loudish roar.

I scuttled under the bed.

Ralph came charging in from where he’d been sleeping with my Em. (Forgot to tell you – my

Em is back visiting us for a couple of weeks. I’ve nearly got her properly trained again. Just a bit more work is required.)

Anyhow – let’s not get diverted from the topic of that ridiculous Ralph… he came

charging in from the other room and tried to get into bed with mom.

She snuggled him and he calmed down a bit.

I would have liked some snuggling too – but somehow mom does not seem to want to get under the bed with me and there is no ways I’m getting on top of the bed when that thunderdog roars.

Second time we noticed it was over the weekend.

There was a loud boom.

We were all sitting in the lounge – except mom was in her office working.

I took myself off to my safe spot, under the couch in the corner.

They have made a special arrangement for me – covered the couch with a duvet so it’s nice and dark and safe.

Ralph went totally crazy.

He charged up the stairs to the bedroom.

Then he realised there was nobody in the bedroom, so he charged back down again.

He barely touched a single step.

He flew around the lounge like a crazed black bat.

Then took off back up the stairs again.

Alpha checked the catnip.

Ralph has already sneakily devoured several of the baby plants – before they even got to grow up.

We caught him crouched over the six-pack, smacking his chops.

Mom relocated the seedlings to places that he can’t reach – including a hanging pot.

However, in this instance – his stash was still fine.

Not a single leaf had been chomped.

Alpha was so concerned by this crazy behaviour that he called Ralph’s old parental agent to discuss the matter.

Turns out that Ralph does not handle thunder well.

That’s no lie!

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