
That cheeky cat

That wretched Ralph took the dog biscuit the other day.

You know… I’m a very patient, long suffering little doglet.

I can take all manner of abuse but that wretched Ralph took the dog biscuit the other day.

It was hot – and Mom had put him on the ottoman (sjoe – I know, fancy words hey!) at the bottom of their bed, so that he did not lie on their feet and drive them crazy.

Of course, if the same rules applied to him as applied to me – they would not have this trouble but nooooo…. he gets special treatment.

He didn’t fancy lying at the bottom of the bed.

He prefers to snuggle up to a piece of body, or even better, drape himself over something.

So he kept relocating upwards and mom kept relocating him back to beyond the bottom of the bed.

Eventually he got off the bed in a huff and stomped off to the bathroom to drink water out of the loo.

Disgusting creature.

Now as I said, it was hot.

When it’s hot I take breaks from my baskie and go lie by the balcony door or under the window on Alpha’s side of the bed – where the night air trickles in and the tiles are nice and cool.

But after a while the floor gets hard and I blearily trundle back to my baskie for another couple of hours.

Sometimes I think I sleepwalk between the two places because I can’t really remember going or coming.

But this time, when I got back to my baskie I found it was already occupied.

That cat had taken over my baskie.

My woggledy whiskers! What cheek.

Thought about climbing in and squishing him – he is nice and soft.

Then I remembered that he has nasty hooky things which he is not afraid of using.

Next thing I know mom gets out of bed and nearly trips over me.

Oh Fudgie – are you hot?

She asks, equally blearily, on her way to the loo.

She knows I sometimes sleep outside my baskie and is quite good about not stepping on bits of me when she does her nocturnal wanderings.

Then she spotted Ralphie – lekker parked off in my baskie.

She had the cheek to snort out laughing, then scooped him up and put him back on their bed.

I tell you – I did not move for the rest of the night.

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