Barking Boring!

I’ve probably told you all before that sometimes Alpha goes to work really early.

Like when it’s still dark.

Mom and I wave him off at the door.

Mom peeks out the top bit and I peek out the bottom bit.

By now, I know we won’t be going for a walk like we usually do when he goes at normal time.

I’m not going anywhere with mom when she looks like a bag lady in her purple spotted dressing gown.

Alpha has been doing his Professor-pants thing so we’ve been having a lot of these early days lately.

Luckily it’s not so cold now and we don’t mind getting up at the crack of dawn.

After a number of days had passed… I’m a doglet – I can’t count exactly how many days it was – I figured it should be weekend and walk time.

Proper walk time that is.

Those regular wee mails around the complex that mom takes me on don’t really count.

They did indeed get up bright and early on the Saturday morning.

Thought to myself – it’s good and right that they spend some quality time with their precious doglet.

But no….. instead of loading me into the car, they loaded themselves only and said see you later Fudges.

They were off to have brekky with friends of theirs – without me nogal.

I was outraged. Saturdays are walk time.

Instead I had to hang out on the bed with that wretched Ralphie.

And lets furry face it – that cat is barking boring.

He just sleeps.

If I slobber on him a bit – he curls up in a tighter ball or stalks off and sleeps somewhere I can’t reach him.

A loooong time later – they came home.

True, mom did come bearing delicious gifts and they did take me for a much delayed walk.

Didn’t see any of my buddies though – way too late for that.

The liver I got dished for dinner almost made up for such shocking behaviour.

That alarm clock went off early again on Sunday morning.

My tickly toenails!

Buried my head in the baskie.

Must be a mistake.

But no – off they went again.

Even earlier. This time it was still dark.

Thought to myself… might as well cozy up to Ralph again.

They’ll be back at some stage.

Turns out they went to Bloemfontein and were gone all day.

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