
Flying fur

I fear I may have irked mom somewhat this morning.

We went downstairs – nice and early because Alpha is lecturing and he had stuff he needed to do at work.

It was still dark. Mom let me out, like she normally does.

Ralph accompanied her into the kitchen, twiddling himself around her ankles, like he normally does.

He has no shame when it comes to ensuring he gets his food.

From outside, I hear mom gasp.

Would have dashed inside to check out what was happening but was incapacitated at that particular time.

Initially mom thought that Ralph has augmented his diet with a nice fat bird.

In the dark, that’s what it looked like, feathers.

But turned out the tiles were covered in chunks of cat fur – both black and grey. Ralph ignored the whole mess and stood imperiously by his bowl waiting for it to miraculously full up.

Mom grabbed him and checked out his bod to make sure that he was not missing great clumps of cat clothing. Nothing. He looked quite intact.

She plopped him down again. He resumed twiddling himself around her ankle.

Mom started doing her usual morning doings.

I investigated the alien stuff on the floor.

Sniffed it around a bit.

Distributed it over a much greater area of floor than it had been originally.

It tickled my nose. I sneezed. Sent it wafting around even further.

When we got back upstairs with brekky mom told Alpha about the clumps of fur.

She was most confuzzled.

She figured they should have heard cats fighting in the house.

Alpha pointed out that he had actually heard it – early in the evening.

He said it was only a couple of howls and snucks and then Ralph presented himself upstairs and took over the bed.

Mom looked at me.

Hmmm…. Fudges! You a bit lacking in the guard dog department hey?

You snored through the whole episode.

Looked back at her. Hmmmmm really? So did you.

Bit derelict in your duties of protecting your precious doglet hey?

We both dropped the matter.

But later on, after Alpha had gone to work – she swept up all the bits of fur into one big pile.

I waited until she went off to get the dustpan and then investigated the neat pile.

It tickled my nose again and erm… ooops… whoosh! Flying cat fur.

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