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We all have a choice to do good

Not your intentions, but your actual doing determines what your life consists of.

With the euphoria of Mandela Day two weeks down the line I wondered if it was possible to do good every day.

On this day we, as journalists, witnessed various creative ways to be of service to others.

We heard on that day so many times – ‘Make every day a Mandela Day’, as well as that this goodwill will change our world.

Still pondering on how to do good each day, this made me think of what Robin Sharma wrote in his book, The Greatness Guide.

He says: “Each day you are living is your life in miniature and as you live your days, so you craft your life.”

In other words, not your intentions, but your actual doing determines what your life consists of.

This will eventually become the life you will be remembered for.

It is all based on making choices – small ones each minute of the day.

Making these choices almost every minute of the day, these choices compounded after a day, month and year eventually showcases your life.

I am going to give you an example out of my own life.

I have a desire to be fit and to this I choose to exercise in a gym close to my home.

To get there I have to travel 45km after work, on a freeway and through heavy traffic.

The worst part is I pass my house when I am almost at the gym.

After being on the freeway for 30 minutes it is easy to “think” myself tired and go home when I see your gate.

I tried an alternative road, but had to brave through worse traffic, as well as got one e-toll gantry more to get there.

So I stuck to the road going past my house.

Well, when I braved and persevered the traffic for another 20 minutes after passing my house to gym, I feel like a champion for only getting to the parking bay.

The exercise and its benefits are then only fringe benefits.

If I have the courage to do this every day and not be persuaded that I am tired or not in the mood to move my body, I will eventually have a fit body.

It may seem like a silly example, but we can apply this to serving others, because choice is a very strong thrust.And as Robin Sharma taught me, it will shape your life.

I was very young when I learned about St Francis of Assisi’s peace prayer and the one thing that stuck to me through the years was the one line “for it is in giving that we receive”.

So, according to this saint are you the one that receives when you give.

“But, why must we give and how and where must we give?”, may you ask?

Start small, with what you feel comfortable with, like a smile or a friendly voice on the phone.

We all know that no-one lives in isolation and that we are like plants that loose their colours if we have no contact with people.

It is in the long run, that the giver give a gift for himself, because the giver actually gets far more than he can ever imagine.This being blessed for being able to give you actually are lighting up your own world.

Many people don’t want to give, as they feel it involves money, but giving does not necessarily involve Rands and cents.

A smile or an encouraging word sometimes is enough to light up another one’s life and we sometimes forget about that.

I always joke when I say if I greet a metro police officer each day, I will be known as a metro-police-officer-greeting-woman.

Dare to look others in the eye and acknowledge them as fellow human beings.

I believe doing good has to be spontaneous and from the heart.

It has to be without the expectation to receive something back, even though you will receive a joy of giving.

What do you want to be known for? – a grumpy person or a smiling, waving, friendly and approachable member of society.

We can see the evidence of lack of choice to do good in our country and many social analysts say there is a lack of leadership in each community..

It trickles through to our giving and serving and there is a mentality that we think if we give money to a cause, it is ok.

If each one starts small and with what is comfortable to them, our world will be a better place to live to live in.

And to start with smile at someone!

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