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All just a rush in the wind

All in a day's rush

We are always in a rush to do things or get things done, but where does it really end or is it just a rush in the wind.

Every business expects the best from their employees.

Blood, sweat and tears flow to get maximum production, whether in the corporate or industrial environment.

This makes one wonder if all is worth it at the end and if everyone is just chasing wind.

Take the wind for instance, no one knows where it is going or where it is coming from, but it is always there.

Sometimes quiet, sometimes blowing fearlessly.

But the rush must continue.

Due to the living costs of the 21st century, in most families, both parents have to work – another rush starting.

Everyone is getting up early to get themselves ready for a days work.

With the schools starting again next week, some parents will soon get back into the main ‘chase stream’ again.

Getting up early, taking children to school, rush to work or home for some of the luckier ones – another chase chain.

Traffic will be hectic again, as there will be more cars on the road taking children to and from school, giving no one satisfaction.

Taxis turn in front of you, huge trucks decide to take on early morning traffic, specially in the industrial areas, making people late for work – another chase.

For no specific reason people are late, whether it was a sleepless night with a sick child or oversleeping.

But once at work, a full day of concentration starts, hopefully at a calm and relaxed pace.

Not in a newsroom though, there your day can change at a split second, most probably at other business too.

Baring in mind a boss also experiences the same traffic and other experiences than any other person and also feels rushed by the time they get to the office.

This rush makes all nervous and edgy, but the work needs to be done.

Remember the phrase “we needed it yesterday” it has never changed.

Going home after work is the same story with traffic and off we rush again with just another day past in history.

Everywhere we go we rush to the next point – all just a rush in the wind.

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