Where is South Africa heading?

The scary reality of futuristic South Africa

As a born and bred South African, I find myself fearing for the future of our beautiful country.

There are so many vital parts of our system that are flawed that when, put together, creates a very worrying situation.
With corruption and fraud going almost hand in hand, there is also the lacking education system, which according to Nicholas Spaull’s statistics, is only 25% functional.

I personally see that as being a major flaw in the system.

What went wrong here?

In 2013, Angie Motshekga, Minister of Basic Education, denied that there is any sort of crisis with our education system, ignorant of the fact that the statics clearly state that there is a major problem.

In general, school students from as early as grade one, are just not able to crack the simplest math problems.

Not even to mention the ridiculously low pass rate matriculates get nowadays.

Then what is really worrying me now is the fact that acquiring a gun in the future will, unfortunately, be easier than obtaining a drivers license.

It is not a case of docking up a few thousand to get an illegal handgun anymore, but merely to go out and buy a 3D printer.

This machine costs more or less R3000 and can manufacture anything the mind can imagine.

The internet is littered with illustrations that show the exact mechanisms for a gun and how to print it, enter that into your 3D printer, wait a few minutes, and your gun is printed.

Make no mistake that these weapons are lethal and can kill just as well as any original and licensed gun and can fire any real bullets, but with the “advantage” that they cannot be traced in any way.

Any man, woman or child can have access to one of these 3D printers.

It’s frightening to think of 12-year-olds walking around with their own personalised weapons.

The damage these things can do to our already fragile and corrupted country.

As normal South African citizens we cannot do much about the deteriorating state of our country.

Or can we…?

A 3D printed gun


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