
Ginny stone is the author of the most popular dog's blog

Mom always feels a bit bad that the dogs at the farm have to sleep outside whereas I, of course, get to sleep inside.

Kerneels reminds her that they are tough farm dogs. Not sissy town dogs like me. Rather rude hey?

Bella, the lollopy Labrador is only a couple of years old. Last year she ate all their bedding, so when mom and Alpha went into Barkley East to get some warm clothes for my boy – she invested in some new blankets for the tough farm dogs.

The first night all went well. Zorro snuggled up in his kennel with his blanket. Bella slept in the laundry with hers.

The second night things started off well, but degenerated. Early in the morning Bella was caught trying to tug the blanket out from under Zorro in his little housie.

Luckily, disaster was averted and both blankies were impounded for the rest of the day.

Since we were leaving the farm and heading back for civilisation, mom had a brilliant idea. We would leave my baskie for Bella to sleep in. Of course, my own furry self was not consulted. Nor did I think it was such a grand idea either. I do believe Alpha was on my side.

But the baskie stayed.

When we got home, I had to sleep on only my duvet next to mom’s bed. Was jolly hard I tell you and I was not a pleased Fudge. Especially when I realised that wretched Ralph was snuggled up, purring, next to mom on the bed.

Next morning Alpha’s phone made a ding ding ding noise. He had received a picture from my boy. He rolled around on the bed laughing. That wicked Bella had devoured all the sides of the baskie. Looked like it had been made of chicken feathers, not slabs of foam rubber. Mom was not impressed.

Ungrateful weasel, she muttered.

I smirked. Could have told you that farm mutt has no breeding and would not appreciate my fine town baskie.

Looked at mom and Alpha.

Well. What are you waiting for? Go and get me a new baskie. You can’t have your precious doglet freezing on the floor for another night.

They came back with a pretty spiffy baskie. It’s actually better than the old one. They also had a smaller baskie for Mr Ralph.

He thinks his baskie is rather spiffy too.

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