Thank you for being so understanding

A family from Sundra, Mpumalanga, wrote this letter of appreciation

On May 2, my family and I experienced the horrific ordeal of a car accident.

Driving from Springs on our way to visit friends in Sundra, the Toyota Conquest we were travelling in burst a tyre and the car rolled.

We want to thank the following people for their assistance at the scene: Captain Salome van der Westhuizen, Warrant Officers Tinus de Bruyn and Elmarie Orsmond, all from Sundra SAPS.

Thank you to the two gentlemen from the security company that stopped to help, unfortunately we don’t have their names.

Thank you to our friends Chris and Adrie from Sundra, my sister, brother-in-law Kobie and Toffie for fetching us from Delmas Hospital that night.

And lastly, but very important, my brother and sister-in-law Willie and Sanet, thank you so much for being so understanding, we are so terribly sorry about the damages to your car.

For everybody else that phoned, the SMSs and visits afterwards.

Thank you we really appreciate it.

Anna-Mari Botes and family from Selcourt.

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