More bad-mannered dogs

When we got home last week and opened the gate, two dogs from the complex went charging out into the street. Mom leapt out and chased after those naughty critters.

But those mutts had no ears. They charged around like hooligans.

Then suddenly they stopped. They stared intently at mom. They crept a few paces forward. She fondly imagined they had decided to listen to her.

Hroof! Fat chance!

They had, in fact, spotted a chicken pecking away behind her. The chicken twigged that it was in mortal danger and went clucking off at an alarming pace. They skedaddled after it at the same hellish pace.

By now it was raining quite nicely. Mom gave up. She got back in the car and we went home.

But Mom could not let those two doglets get lost so she went back to the gate to try and get them inside. I supervised from the balcony.

No deal. One had disappeared completely and the other one was still pelting around after the poor chicken.

In a fat snit, mom stomped around the complex looking for somebody to ask who the dogs belonged to. Some kids owned up. They were their dogs – named Oscar and Molly. In fact, Oscar was back inside the complex, still running around like a hooligan.

Mom asked the kids what on earth the dogs were doing outside their yard and why weren’t the kids putting them back inside?

They shrugged and giggled. They might be their dogs but they did not listen to them either. Turns out their parents had gone off somewhere and left one kid (who had probably been off visiting other children in the complex) locked out of their house. Her sister was locked inside the house. So both the dogs and the small kid were locked outside.

In the rain.

What kind of humans behave like that? They should not have children – let alone dogs.

Mom went back out the gate to try and get Molly inside. But Molly was still hell bent on having chicken for dinner.

In the end it was raining so hard that Mom gave up and came home all dripping wet. She was decidedly miffed that people could treat their kids and animals in such a crappy manner.

We found out later that both Molly and Oscar were home – also safe and sound.

* As told to Ginny Stone

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