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Precious Doglets

It’s that time of year when humans go on holiday.

Mom tells me we are not going away this year. Pity… I was looking forward to slobbering on Granma’s Greycat and sniffing the sheep at the farm. Still, Luan is a bit of a backseat hog when he’s being generous – so maybe not having to sit all squished up with him for over 12 hours from Cape Town to Barkly East is not such a bad thing after all.

Thing is, my humans take me with them – but lots of people don’t bother about their furry friends. They think if they get somebody to come round and slap some pellets into their bowls and maybe change the water a couple of times a week, its good enough. Or, heaven forbid, just go away and not bother about their animals at all. Somehow, people still manage to do this every single year.

What is wrong with humans?

Do they forget that we doglets are their family? We are not an extra alarm system or a security firm.

We are family.

We love you. Unconditionally! Even when you’re mean, or don’t spend time with us. Or forget to walk us regularly. And… for those people who think that they have a nice big yard so we don’t need daily exercise – like going out for a walk or a run… think again. We do. Mom takes me out every single day, unless it’s raining or she’s really sick. Then we go for nice longer walks on the weekend. Sometimes people say – I wish I could walk my dog every day! She gets miffed with them and says there’s nothing stopping them. Get up earlier – make a plan.

When our family humans are not home, we just wait for you to come back. It’s not like we dash round the house having fun without you. Oh no. I park off at my desk and gaze out of the window until I see Mom’s car. Sometimes I have to do quite a lot of gazing.

Unless the thunderdog howls – then I skulk under their bed. Or sometimes I lie on the stoep and do my gazing from there.

When mom comes home she gives me a treat. Better still she lets me sniff her ear. Then she snuggles me and chats to me.

Please people. Be kind to your animals.

* As told to Ginny Stone

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