Wheezy old mom

You all know that Alpha gets sick quite often. Probably it’s because he is a professor pants and gets to hang around a lot of people all the time.

But Mom never gets sick. Last time she stayed in bed was before I was born.

Even when her back was broken – okay – it was not really broken but was not working properly – like my paw the other day – she still never stayed in bed.

So last week I was a tad concerned.

She made Alpha brekky as usual and we waved goodbye to him at the door. I looked at her… right… let’s go for a walk then?

Don’t be silly Fudges – I’m not dressed.

Hrooof. True. You can’t go outside in that fluffy gown. I’ll look stupid.

So we trudged back upstairs. She foofled around a bit in our office. I supervised from my desk.

Then we went into the bedroom, showered and got dressed. Made the bed and took a load of washing downstairs.

We went back upstairs. She hovered between our office and the bedroom.

Then she sat down on the bed and coughed a bit.

Then sneezed a lot.

Pity I’m not the sort of hound that likes to chew tissues – there are a lot of those hanging around at the moment. Bins full of them in fact. Now… if we were talking about the crunchy middle bit of the loo roll – well – that’s a whole different ball game. Yum!

But she squared-up and went back into her office. Sat at her laptop and gazed at the screen. I watched closely.

Well… go on… do some work then.

But she did nothing. Just sneezed and snorted and looked miserable. She shuffled papers around the place.

Thought to my furry self… eish woman! Don’t do that – you’ll never find them again. Better put them back on that pile where they belong.

Shame – poor mom…

Maybe if we play some ball you’ll feel better? Deposited a nice slobbery one at her feet and gave her the nose. She looked at me with watery old-dog eyes. Sorry Fudgie-wena. Maybe a bit later hey?

Eventually she gave up and went back to the bedroom. She whimpered and sighed. Then climbed back into bed – clothes and all.

I clambered onto Alpha’s side and supervised whilst she napped. Maybe we’d play some ball when she woke up.

*As told to Ginny Stone

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