Metro responds to noise pollution

The following comment was received in regards to a query, printed in last week's paper, about the monitoring of noise pollution by taverns in Springs suburbs.

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality’s Environmental Health Directorate is attending to the problem of noise pollution caused by the taverns in Springs, especially in New Haven (Olympic Tavern) and Corner Tavern.

Several inspections have been conducted at the premises and notices were issued to the owners to abide with the regulations governing noise nuisances and pollution.

Further investigations will be conducted on all taverns in the area including Van Riebeeck Hotel (Fox’s Ladies bar) and final notices will be issued.

This matter will be referred to the Air Quality Section to assist with measuring of sound levels in order to determine compliance with relevant legislation.

The matter will also be discussed with the Station Commander of the Springs SAPS to ask for assistance.

Sam Modiba

Ekurhuleni Metro spokesman

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