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Medal parade for Comrades conquerors

The four staff members from Springs Rapid Rail Police Unit were celebrated for their participation in the Comrades Marathon.

Springs Rapid Rail Police Unit hosted a medal parade to celebrate its staff for participating in the Comrade’s Marathon.

The four staff members which included two veteran runners and two novices, concurred that running the marathon was no small feat.

“It was tough because we took a break during Covid. Getting out of the hiatus and training again was not easy,” said Sergeant Lesiba Sema, who finished at 09:54.

First-time runners, Sergeant Nthabiseng Ledwaba and Sergeant Motjatji Matla reached the finish line at 11:30 and 11:20 respectively. They described their experience as challenging but rewarding.

“It was a challenging 89km, but I enjoyed it. We made our families and colleagues proud, so it was worth it,” Ledwaba said.

The station commander and captain are with the staff members who ran the marathon.

As the third-place runner among the South African Athletics Club participants in the marathon, Matla saw this as a significant accomplishment.

She highlighted the importance of having a support structure as she thanked her colleagues for their support during the training period.

“This milestone means a lot to me, and I could not have done it without the support of my family and colleagues,” she said.

The station commander, Lieutenant Colonel Nakedi Rapholo, outlined the importance of staying fit and partaking in physical activity as a member of law enforcement.

“Being physically fit is crucial because you can do your job more efficiently; a healthy body has a healthy mind. I don’t take this achievement lightly. I am very proud of them for running to the finish line at such an impressive time,’ Rapholo added.

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