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Beloved NPO about to become history

Malan Nel has been eagerly waiting for much-needed funds from the Gauteng Department of Social Development.

Beloved organisation Malan Nel could be living out its last days if they don’t receive funding. 

The 39-year-old organisation has been grasping at straws since waiting to sign its service level agreement (SLA) that would allow it to receive much-needed funds.

The manager of Malan Nel, Sarie Breytenbach, says she recalls having been made to sign a document but it was not an SLA.

“I didn’t receive an SLA, which stipulates how much money we’re receiving but there is a document they made myself and the chairperson sign more than a month ago.”

They held out on the hope from the courts which gave the ruling that the Gauteng Department of Social Development (DSD) should make payments to all NPOs by the end of May. Little did Sarie know that their problems were far from over.

“I spoke to the representatives of the Germiston branch of the Gauteng DSD and we have been sent from pillar to post. We were told to send emails and we hadn’t been given the addresses to send our complaints to.

“We have asked them what is going on and they say they don’t know and if they don’t, what must we do?”

Sarie says when she last heard from the department, the organisation was said to be placed on a non-compliance list that would essentially prevent them from getting the funding.

“Their response doesn’t put food on the table, pay electricity or pay salaries. They could at least tell me why.”

Malan Nel has not been completely destitute as they have been making some smart financial decisions like saving up.

“Luckily we’ve been baking cookies so we have had that little bit of money saved up.”

Even with that, their doors will most probably close for good at the end of July should the matter not be resolved.

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Sarie says this news breaks her heart as they have been part of the Springs community since 1985.

“I have been working here for 37 years, my biggest fear is losing Malan Nel.”

She adds that her biggest worry is her 138-person membership which consists of senior citizens who have come to call Malan Nel their second home.

“I don’t know what to tell my members. We have so many programmes available such as providing food daily. I feel so sorry for the elderly because Malan Nel has saved them from loneliness and given them hope for life and the choir is thriving.”

Head office has since called Sarie to tell them they have been removed from the non-compliance list.

They are currently waiting for funding.

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