Leratong celebrates mothers and daughters

The event honoured all mothers while raising funds for the Leratong Place of Love Crisis Centre on Saturday.

Mothers and daughters enjoyed their Saturday afternoon over tea hosted by the Leratong Place of Love Crisis Centre at Zonskyn Tea Garden.

In tribute to the bond between mothers and their daughters, the ladies dressed to impress while engaging in ways to restyle time and spaces.

Guest speaker Laura Vitale shared her passion for decluttering and reorganising people’s spaces to bring harmony and balance to their lives.

“Like any other lifestyle change, whether physical or mental, when there is a problem, we attempt to find a solution,” said Laura.

“Finding a solution is the same as how clutter puts extra weight into our living spaces, restricting us from being creative, attracting distraction, and suppressing our energy to move on.”

Owner of Zonskyn Mariska du Plooi hands a raffle prize to Dorriane Flymm.

Jeanette Sibanyoni, a guest, expressed that the topic of decluttering impressed her, adding that she will take home the tip of making space in her life.

“After today, I will be starting to let go of some of my emails that I have kept for a long time while also letting go of some of my stuff at home,” said Jeanette.

“The older one becomes, the more things you accumulate – some old things that one no longer needs.”

Jill Edgar from Leratong acknowledged her happiness with the event’s attendance and thanked attendees for supporting the centre in raising funds.

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