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Kenzie gets the gold star

The gold star is the highest badge that a Meerkat scout can attain.

Kenzie Armstrong is the second girl to receive the highly-acclaimed Meerkat Award, which is the gold star.

The six-year-old from Pollak Park joined the Springs Central Air Scouts in November.

She loves the arts and crafts they do, but most importantly, her relationship with her scout leader Nicole Swanepoel is amazing.

“Nicole cried on Friday when Kenzie received the last of her badges,” said Kenzie’s mother, Angie.

Angie adds outside of Scouts, Kenzie is a dancer at Studio K.

“She loves dancing. She was born to dance,” she affirmed.

Kenzie, like her mother, is proud of herself but sad because she is leaving Nicole’s class.

“I could not be prouder of my little girl for this achievement. My wish for her is to reach for the stars, to keep at what she is doing and always to do her best,” said Angie.

Nicole recalls how much of a joy Kenzie was as a Meerkat.

“I am so proud of her. Whatever assignment I gave her, she completed and put in her best. She is an achiever and will do anything to reach the next level,” she said.

She also leaves her with sweet parting words for her future in the Scouts.

“I wish her all the luck when she moves over to Cubs in October. I will miss her but will guide her to reach her true potential,” added Nicole.

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