Roaming bull captured in good health

The SPCA thanked everyone who helped to keep the bull alive.

The Springs SPCA still awaits a Brahman bull’s owners to come forward after they successfully captured it.

Springs residents noticed the bull roaming around and notified the SPCA.

“It is unknown when the bull went missing and from where,” explained Mandie Foreman, the operations manager of the Springs SPCA.

The SPCA and the SAPS Stock Theft Unit captured the bull on Saturday and moved it to a place of safekeeping until the owner/s claimed it.

“Brahman bulls are volatile and aggressive. The safest way for the SPCA and stock theft to work with him is by tranquilising him with a dart,” added Foreman.

She also said an animal that size came with huge risks and could cause grievous bodily harm and even death, so they discouraged the public from approaching the bull.

Dr Cliff Bull from Craig View Veterinary Clinic in Boksburg darted the animal, allowing the team to move it.

“We cannot disclose the bull’s whereabouts to the public. However, we can confirm it is at an approved stock theft facility and in good health,” said Foreman.

The SPCA thanked everyone who helped to keep the bull alive.

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