Shop owner followed and robbed

A shop owner from Kingsway was robbed when he went to buy stock for his shop at a local cash and carry. The man, who was driving a Mazda 5, realised that a white Nissan Tiida had been following him for a while. According to Springs SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Themba Tshabalala, when the victim turned

A shop owner from Kingsway was robbed when he went to buy stock for his shop at a local cash and carry.

The man, who was driving a Mazda 5, realised that a white Nissan Tiida had been following him for a while.

According to Springs SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Themba Tshabalala, when the victim turned into Watt Road, the Nissan drove in front of him and blocked the road.

Also read: Man robbed inside bank

“He was not able to see the registration of the Nissan. To armed men with masks got out of the Nissan. They ordered him to open the driver’s door,” Tshabalala explained.

The thugs then searched him and the car. They made off with R5 000 in cash, as well as victim’s cellphone, a Huawei worth R3 500.

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