Elderly of Springs enjoy a trip through history with visit to monument

The War Memorial and other historical sites around Springs will be open to the rest of the public in due time.

A group of elderly residents from various retirement homes around Springs were treated to a visit to the McKays War Memorial.

The group who are from Molendam, Markville, Rus-Oord and Presidentia retirement villages were given a tour by Ward 75 Clr Charmaine Kock.

“These restoration projects are to honour those that fought so hard to make sure we have roots in Springs,” she declared.

She thanked those in attendance for forming part of the culture and history of the town.

“This gives us the opportunity to show the rest of the world what we do in this town.”

The residents were transported by Riaan Pretorius of Supa Bus who received special thanks from the councillor.

“Supa Bus has pledged to provide us with transportation for the elderly to take them on tours across the different memorial locations around Springs,” said Kock.

This tour will include visits to the Markon Fountain, the Moth War Memorial, the Mckays Fountain and War

Memorial as well as the much-anticipated War Museum that is underway.

Some of the elderly reminisced about the fountain and shared emotional moments while marvelling at its restoration.

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