Far East Rand Hospital celebrates World Hand Hygiene Day

Hand hygiene more important than ever.

World Hand Hygiene Day is celebrated every year on May 5.
Staff members from the Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) and Environmental Health units at Far East Rand Hospital educated staff members, patients and visitors about hand hygiene.

Admin manager at the Far East Rand Hospital, Vivian Bulana pledged her support to hand hygiene.

The programme started with distributing educational pamphlets at the main gate before the members visited various departments within the institution.
Staff pledged their continued support for hand hygiene.

Also read: Teach your child about good hygiene

“The day is aimed at promoting hand hygiene, especially in a health institution. Hands are one of the primary germ carriers as they touch different products and surfaces,” said IPC manager Sister Stephina Seroka.
Research shows that good hand hygiene could reduce respiratory diseases by 20%, and diarrhoea by 30%.
“We need to take responsibility to ensure that we keep our hands clean by washing them regularly, especially now during Covid-19,” said Seroka.

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