Planting trees for cleaner air

The Khuthaza Foundation spearheaded the planting of 100 trees in Springs in celebration of Earth Day last Saturday.

The Khuthaza Foundation spearheaded the planting of 200 trees in Springs in celebration of Earth Day on Saturday.
The event was part of Project Roots.
“We will be working in different parts of Ekurhuleni to plant trees. This is just the first phase of the project,” said Bianca Wannennberg, the foundation’s director.

Hante van Veeren, PR manager at Ekurhuleni FM, with her granddaughters Anker and Meike Botes.

“The two most important reasons for planting trees in our community is to help reduce our carbon footprint and South Africa is in the top twenty most polluted countries in the world.”
Earth Day was commemorated on April 22 to highlight the significance of preserving trees as part of the ecosystem.
“We also want to encourage biodiversity. The trees planted here are selected specifically to thrive in the area. They will be good for the insect and birdlife,” she added.

Also read: Four tree species added to the list of protected trees in South Africa

The indigenous trees planted were witstinkhout, wild olive and kareer. The foundation partnered with the City of Ekurhuleni and Ekurhuleni FM.
Interested community members brought their spades and hand gloves and joined in on the fun.
“Our volunteers come from as far as Randburg,” said Wannennberg.
The Department of Forests, Fisheries and Environment donated 100 trees while Viewpoint Farming contributed 100 bags of free compost.

Sid Wang, Rahul Fakira and Agyie Biola hard at work.

“We also want to thank the City Base Church that stored and looked after our trees and compost before the event,” said Wannennberg.
The trees were planted on Wit Road in Selection Park, across from the City Base Church.
Wannennberg said the ultimate goal is to restore, celebrate and plant indigenous trees in South Africa.

Inikile Lupuleza, Elijah Onyejiaka and Matthew Johnson were not phased by the scorching sun as they planted as many trees as they could.

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