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Karatekas still need sponsorship

“It is an opportunity of a lifetime. We need to take the kids and compete with other people from different provinces and countries.”

Pan African Shotokan Karate-Do Federation members have been selected to represent Gauteng at the United World Martial Arts Federation Championships in the Eastern Cape and Namibia.
Trials took place in Randburg and out of 20 competitors from the local club, eight qualified.
“I am super proud of all who made it and even those who did not. I know they will do better next time,” said Shihan Michael Cindi.
The team still needs sponsorship.
“We had a response from only one person to sponsor us. We would like to extend our gratitude to business owner Shirley Williams for helping with funds,” said Cindi.
Other than that, they received little sponsorship to cover other costs of their journey.

Also read: Pan African Shotokan Karate Do Federation prepare for competition

“The biggest challenge we are facing is the competitions will be held in the same week, which is March 29 and April 2. We will start in the Eastern Cape and afterwards, we are heading to Namibia.
“We will need donations at least for transportation and accommodation. Hopefully, something might come up because sponsoring two trips will be a lot,” he said.
Cindi said both championships are important and they cannot afford to not compete, especially at the championships in the Eastern Cape.
“It is an opportunity of a lifetime. We need to take the karatekas and compete with other people from different provinces and countries. This will be a great experience for them,” said Cindi.
For more information about donating to Pan African Shotokan Karate-Do Federation, contact Cindi on 073 212 9444.

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