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You’re somebody’s type this Valentine’s Day

In South Africa, 3 500 blood units are needed daily to maintain a stable blood supply.

Even if you’re single this Valentine’s Day, you’re still somebody’s type.
SANBS encourages South Africans to step forward and share the love by donating a unit of blood.
At a time when we all miss those familiar cuddles and hugs, the longing to feel love and affection has never been greater.
Present the perfect gift to a stranger by following your heart to your nearest mobile blood drive or donor centre to give one unit of liquid love that can save up to three lives.
Did you know that at least half of all South Africans will either need blood or know someone who will need blood or a blood product transfusion at some point in their lives?
Of the 60.14 million people in South Africa, only 432 000 – less than 1% – are regular blood donors.

Also read: Donating blood saves lives

SANBS is responsible for recruiting and collecting blood, plasma and platelets at over 185 fixed donor centre sites and more than 6 000 mobile donor clinics every year.
You can donate if you are between the ages of 16 and 75, weigh a minimum of 50kg, are in good health and consider your blood safe for transfusion.
Since blood cannot be manufactured and has a limited shelf life, the supply must constantly be replenished.
In South Africa, 3 500 blood units are needed daily to maintain a stable blood supply. Put your heart into it and help save lives.
Visit www.sanbs.org.za or contact 0800 11 9031 to find out where you can donate blood.
Follow SANBS on Twitter (@theSANBS), Facebook (@SANBS) and Instagram (@thesanbs).

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