Getting to know Michael Cindi

“This is my passion, my drive to everyday life. I am proud of where I am today and I am continuing to inspire other generations.”

Pan African Shotokan Karate Do Federation shihan Michael Cindi is passionate about karate.
Where were you born and what was it like growing up?
I was born in 1954 and grew up in Masimini, Kwa-Thema. Growing up for me was like any other child in the street. I grew up in a warm family, playing with other children and was fascinated by sport.
Why did you get involved in sport?
I believe sport taught me a lot of things while growing up and it made me get away from a lot of things that teenagers get themselves into. You find there is substance abuse, teenage pregnancy and crime. I am healthy because of the healthy life I choose.

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Why karate?
Discipline. I played sport all my life and it didn’t start with karate. I played soccer until a friend of mine introduced me to boxing. I then decided to join boxing, fighting professionally, and at the same time was still involved in soccer. I decided to leave boxing because I didn’t have proper eyesight. I went to play soccer professionally. One day, I saw this martial art movie and I wanted to try it out. That is when I discovered my real passion. I started winning competitions and this became my home.
How many belts do you have?
In 1972, I gained my orange belt and in 1979 my black belt. I have competed in the USA and I have won most competitions in which I have participated.

Shihans Imtiaz Abdulla and Michael Cindi.

Do you have plans to retire?
There is no retirement in karate. I am doing this for as long as God keeps me. This is my passion, my drive to everyday life. I am proud of where I am today and I am continuing to inspire other generations.
What are your hopes and dreams?
I am proud to serve and teach karate. My hope and dreams are for schools to have a curriculum that will allow us to teach in schools. I think that will assist the youth to avoid negative activities in school and will bring a lot of discipline.

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