Illegal miners blamed for Slovo Park sewage woes

"The main problem at this stage is the Illegal mining activities in the area."

Illegal mining is the cause of sewage problems in Slovo Park.
This is according to the City of Ekurhuleni and in response to the article, ‘Slovo Park residents frustrated with sewage’ in the Advertiser’s September 16 edition.
It was reported sewage was running down the streets and residents feared for the health and safety of their children playing in the streets.

Also read: Sewage woes in Nuffield

City of Ekurhuleni divisional head of communications and media relations Nhlanhla Cebekhulu said, “The main problem is the illegal mining activities in the area. The illegal miners throw objects into the line that cause the upstream manhole to overflow.
“We continuously send combination, jetting and vacuum machines to this line to open up. The City has issued countless job cards to officials to attend to this line on many occasions.”

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